Thursday, September 24, 2015

Government Shutdown Imminent?

Thats right, it's about to happen again.

Senate Republicans are tripping over themselves to get enough votes to prevent the government from running out of money by midnight on October 1.

The problem? Conservative hardliners are refusing to support government funding as long as it includes funding for Planned Parenthood. Ever since the anti-abortion organization Center for Medical Progress released a series of videos that they claim show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal body parts there have been claims to remove their funding.

Democrats refuse to give an inch on this issue. Both House and Senate Democrats are unified in refusing to vote for a bill that strips Planned Parenthood of funding. Even if it were to get passed them President Barack Obama has threatened a veto.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) has attempted a compromise by offering a short term bill that would fund the government until December (with funding for Planned Parenthood included) and the decision on funding could be taken up later. Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) is attempting a similar tactic.

Democrats won't go for it. Democratic leadership in the House from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D- California) and Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) indicate they won't go for the short gap funding.

It makes political sense for the Democrats to stand back and let the government shut down. McConnell's inability to bridge a compromise between Democrats and the far right will make him appear weak and unable to lead the Senate. This gives them the opportunity to bring up an example of McConnell's "failed leadership" on the campaign trail as Democrats seek to retake control of the Senate after losing it in the Republican wave election of 2014.

In the House John Boehner is already negotiating from a position of weakness. The conservative wing of his party has been seeking to boot him from leadership since the beginning of the year. Conservatives can use the government shutdown to bolster others in the House to oppose him.

Whatever the outcome of this approach there will be winners and losers. We will see which side will budge as Capitol Hill once again plays a game of chess where they use federal workers as pawns.

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